Joke's on you, I sin every day.
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The smarter kids in your class probably do use them.
Jokes on you, I'm in the bourgeois class and let kids from the working class and professional mangerial class do that kind of homework for me
He said smarter, not wealthier. I'm getting the guillotine.
Nah. I was labeled a dumb kid in high school because I had to work 40 hours a week. I went back to college as an adult and now have a masters in mech Eng.
Went to my high school reunion and the smart kids were largely abject failures. They never really struggled until college, then mostly failed out. I felt bad for them, but not too bad since most of them bullied me.
Sounds like maybe there weren't the true smart kids. You finished high-school while working a full time job. You were capable and adaptable. Fuck them :)
As one of the resident smart kids who went into CompSci and now works as a software engineer, I haven't touched any of this for a hot minute. I mainly use it for 3D print designs once in a blue moon.
But you use things that use them.
like any device that uses graphics
There is at least one smbc for everything
Never really understood people who say they don't use algebra. I use it very regularly.
I was thinking this myself. sin, cos, tan. Have not used. I have use euler coordinates so thats something but really solve for x is the most advanced thing I have used outside of school. mmmm actually I guess some statistics like stadard deviation.
I use them every day. Making science is rad as fuck.
Sin, Cos and Tan were gifted to us by the gods, and it's solely your fault, if you don't use them daily in your freetime.
Know any good resources for math-ignorant programmers that teaches how to use those in useful ways?
But you do use them everyday, because the Internet would not work without them.
Doesn't it? Have we ever tried to rid humanity of this triangle of evil? Un-tan the internet I say! Grab your pitchforks and cos this sin-er to hell!
Sad take.
The non-programmer folks upvote this post. I mean, not that I use it for every app, but I have used it in recent memory. SOH-CAH-TOA, bitches!
Back in my day we had to use sentences to remember it
Sill Old Harry Caught A Herring Trawling Off America
Firmly lodged in place forever
Hey, I’m not a programmer, as a real engineer half of my education was in some way related to trig
Every day, I use them ever damn day.
For determining the right angle to fuck the sharks from?
This was me for years.
And then I had to write some software that needed to visualise a rotary milking platform which is a circle, divided into segments, with different parts of each segment showing different things at different times.
Oh, and since it's rotary, the circle had to be animated and rotate in sync with the actual milking platform.
Oh and different clients had different numbers of bays in their platforms so I couldn't hardcode anything, it had to dynamically draw the platform, animate it and respond to events like window size change.
Suffice to say I had to drag highschool geometry out from the graveyard of my brain
I use them at least once a week
I do almost everyday as a mechanical engineer. I even do the common angles in my head, which came in handy several times in situations where I’m sailing and something breaks underway etc
I often go on a TANgent when I'm thinking or talking about something. Does that count?
I actually really enjoyed trig class.
I hated all math classes before it, but I had a great teacher and something about the real-life usefulness (triangulation, navigation, etc) of trig clicked for me and I enjoyed it and made an A.
I fucking failed the shit out of statistics, and hilariously that's the most related to my real life job, where I'm dealing with gigantic data sets daily looking for outliers/trends.
Stats is the most unintuitive and unpleasant part of math. Trig is a fun problem that nests perfectly into physics
I love whipping out the low angle approximation at work and looking like a wizard.
I just had to do some “find the angle” geometry this week to quantify some physical stuff that was going on in addition to what the software was causing.
And by “do,” I mean scribbling some triangles to figure out what I was calculating, then throwing the numbers into an online calculator!
That's a lot of circles and curves on your desk bro.
Weird, I find them rather useful. How else do you calculate angles of things?
To check some flat-earthers I recently calculated the angle between an upright person and some skyscrapers 60 miles away.
How often do you need to calculate angles? If I want to know the angle of something I usually measure it.
Whenever I'm making a hobby game I use so much half remembered trig.
atan2 my beloved 😍
Especially tan. Fuck tan.