This is my first time actually watching Mortos/Taurus in a full match, I'm really impressed.
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I've had the pleasure to see him in AAA, MLW, and ROH and he's never disappointed
He's fantastic. Like Montagge said he never disappoints, always hard hitting, mask looks great and is very emotive (old and new).
I take it Mortos is Taurus's new gimmick?
It's pretty much the same gimmick, but AAA decided he couldn't use the name outside of AAA anymore I guess
IIRC, he left AAA and is now an AEW full-timer, which is why AAA are being dicks about the name.
That sounds correct!
Hell yeah Rey Fenix!!!!
Came here to say exactly this.
Nice to see him back, been a long 6mo.
Felt like it was longer than 6 months
Face Swerve feels weird lol
All his charisma has been psychotic guy willing to do anything to get ahead and now he's a workhorse sticking up for his boss
He'll probably be fine until Hangman comes back and then he'll lose his mind lol
At the end of the day, I just want to be entertained. I'm willing to overlook certain things that defy logic and reason as long I'm having fun watching. And Swerve has been tons of fun to watch for a good long while, now. I kind of prefer Swerve as a heel, too. But I'm fine with face Swerve as long as it doesn't suck.
Same! Face MJF was weird too, and that was fantastic!
The Beast Mortos is going to send Rey back to IR with this ass whooping
Lots of butt attacks in this match
Schiavone is such a hater. Nigel should've checked on Mariah
Schiavone only stans for Britt Baker
Oh this match is going to make me play with my nipples
Where was my invitation fucker? lol
I thought you were sleeping!
eh fair lol.
aw, fite tv aew is doing the thing where they air the ring announcer joking with the crowd like they used to do and i missed it :')
Reminder: The show shall start after the NBA Playoffs.
I still want to know what Trent whispered to Statlander
How're you going to replay Deeb coming out and not fix the audio lol
I think that was the fixed version. Still shit quality, but at least Deeb was comprehensible, which wasn't the case on Wednesday.
There's no way hitting those lights didn't hurt
I'm all in for the Swerve era.
But is it real glass?
Chuck and Trent tearing it up in a parking lot as always
Never want to see Trent and Chuck fighting.
Always love watching Trent and Chuck fighting.
That's a good way to put it lol
They added a bit more Thunder Rosa to her intro music! Still prefer the original, but it's better than it was!