I haven’t touched WordPress in years but was just looking back into it and was surprised to see this new (to me anyway) Blocks model. I certainly wouldn’t be surprised to see them breaking older themes and techniques. I haven’t dived into it enough yet to see what purpose it serves or problems it aims to solve. I’m coming in a little skeptical about it, though. If it’s one of those things to try to make it easier for the technically challenged but ends up making more advanced techniques difficult or impossible I’m not a fan.
A decade ago I tried out at Automattic in a support role and remember how much Mullenweg seemed to be focusing on winning users who wound up going with Wix or Weebly or whatever the super simple competitors at the time were. I wasn’t convinced that trying to take a more advanced product like WordPress and dumbing it down for non-technical use cases was the best idea then and I still don’t. It might be better to just create a separate product for that, even if it’s based on WordPress underneath.