You don't have to climb Mount Everest if you injure yourself before the trip... Darby is insane.
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injuring yourself before climbing mount everest is to darby like packing a carry-on bag is to most people
Adam being a NERRRDDD!
Well, I was expecting Mercedes to be going against Willow, but with this attack I guess she's saving her.
C'mon, Mercedes!! I've missed you!!
this obviously means sasha is going to be diane on a cheers reboot
Nah, she's way more Carla than that.
I liked Wardlow putting his hand through the ropes but not finding them
Sometimes I look up and see Wardlow in his singlet and my mind has WCW flashbacks to Wrath.
Love me some Wrath!
I wonder who her first feud is, or is she going for the title straight away...
I have a feeling we'll find out in the main event. I can't think of why else Riho vs Willow is the main event.
Poor Wardlow never gonna make it at this rate.
Wardog did his homework!
juicebox wasn't part of the darby attack because he's wholesome and pure
Got that DDP wrap
They have pinned my liege!!!
Are people talking about restoring the feeling, bruv?
No regard for the body, bruv.
- Darby Allen
Poor Hook :(
He's getting the Judas Effect
The split of the Bang Bang Scissor Gang has begun
edit: Forget begun it's completely happened!
The Jay/Billy tension finally seem resolved but once Jay fully looked bought in, the end has to be near
Now that's some battle gear!
CE no.
Is Hook going to have to sign a NDA?
god i love heel okada
Are you besties with him? If not call him by his full ass passport name
"the cleaner" kenny okada :3
I'm shocked Billy would provoke Jay like this. Who can blame Jay for retaliating as necessary?
I might be completely wrong but Mercedes' debut is no where as big as CM Punk.
Like I had no idea about the CEO chant or whatever.
I'd find it insanely funny if she didn't debut tonight after all of the teasing that's happened and they instead save it for Destiny or whatever the next PPV is.
If she doesn't show up tonight I'll be shocked, they've all but announced it.
Nah because fuck Darby in particular
That's a gnarly armpit
π Why would you try to fist bump someone as miserable as Pac
For the lulz?
If Adam Cole doesn't actually have a plan for when Wardlow refuses then he's more delusional than I thought
The devil is always two steps ahead
Big Business getting right to it!