keeping on the sting train; if you want to see why people in the 90s gravitated to sting and how popular he was, someone uploaded sting vs flair from gab '90 (featuring jim ross being an amazing commentator)
This is the "official" Fediverse community for all things pro wrestling!
Come discuss pro wrestling! Any company or era is welcome.
Rules: (Click to expand)
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2. Keep content related to wrestling.
Any content posted should at least be related to pro wrestling somehow.
3. Spoilers.
Do not spoil events for people. If an event is going on, please keep discussion contained to the/a discussion thread for 24h after the event. Do not post spoilers in titles during this period. Use the spoiler function when you need to, it's there for a reason. Should your post involve a url to a spoiler (Twitter, YouTube video, etc) please mark the thread as NSFW as well so thumbnails are blurred.
4. Vague/Editorialized Title.
Please keep the titles of any articles you post clear, understandable, and indicative of what the article states within. It's ok to alter the title if the original is clickbait and confusing, or contains a spoiler like a debut that just occurred that day, but do not add your own thoughts to it.
5. Sexualized Content/'Plot'.
Please do not post any pornographic, 'creep shot', or similar adult-related material to the community (regardless of connection to wrestling). Wrestling content that involves sexualized content (in storylines/matches/promos) is fine, as well as photo's wrestlers post to their own social medias. Butt-shots you take with your cell phone at a house show aren't.
6. Banned Source(s).
Due not necessarily to the content of their reporting, but to their harassing and doxxing of users, the following news sources, journalists, and content creators are not permitted to be posted on SquaredCircle in any context - including direct links, articles, social media, and reports that cite only those sources:
- WrestleVotes
- RingSideNews
- Brad Shepard
- Billi Bhatti and "The Dirty Sheets"
- Any post or article citing one of the above as a primary source.
Useful Links:
Wrestling Promotions: (Click to expand)
US/Can/Euro πΊπΈπ¨π¦πͺπΊ
-Reality of Wrestling
-NORTH Wrestling
-Mystery Wrestling
-Maple Leaf Pro
-Burning Heart
-Mission Pro
Japan π―π΅
-Gatoh Move
-SPARK Joshi
-Pro Wrestling Wave
-Actwres girl'Z
-Ice Ribbon
-Oz Academy
-Sendai Girls'
Mexico π²π½
Uganda πΊπ¬
'The Dirt Sheets':
-Denise Salcedo
Other Related Websites:
-Kayfabe News
-Pro Wrestling Tees
-SquaredCircle on Reddit
-Kim Justice's Wrestling Road
Was TNA Sacrifice worth watching? I was going to watch it yesterday morning but my totally legitimate stream kept crapping the bed.
My totally legitimate source didn't pop up for me with it until sometime yesterday evening so I didn't bother watching it myself lol. That being said I didn't hear anything bad!
The criticisms I came across were mostly about some matches getting more time than needed while another was insanely short. And then slight annoyance about booking for the division impacted by that shorter match.
I heard Eric Young did well in the main event, as he normally does when given the opportunity, and that Alexander v Hammerstone was good.
I might watch it as background noise sometime this week. I didnβt have a ton of excitement for it when it was announced.
Went ahead and updated the sidebar a little bit. Added a better pair of url's for the kbin backup community (one being a lemmy specific one which should work for your own individual instances).
I also added a url section below the rules. I'll still fiddle around with sorting and formatting as time allows but there should be url's to most wrestling companies I personally have saved, as well as a few news sites and other wrestling-related sites.
Edit: Think I got pretty much every wrestling promotion I can think of at this point, not counting every hotdog indie out there. Poor little latin america sitting there with 2 companies cause my lucha knowledge extends barely past 90's WCW/ECW lmao. If I'm missing anything or any of you think of something useful to add, feel free to comment.
I love that you included Kayfabe News. Shows how serious we really are. π€£
Of course!
the only one i can think of is eve pro wrestling in the uk. also denise salcedo should be added to dirtsheets cause her interviews are so good π
I was going to ask if Kaiju Big Battel counts as a hotdog indie until I realized they probably have a wrestling hotdog monster.
As someone who regular watches shows that feature a blowup doll and/or a mechanical mummy, please tell me more.
It's pretty much pro wrestling meets old Godzilla movies. The wrestlers are all in monster costumes and they have buildings made out of cardboard in the ring to use as weapons. They typically do shows in Brooklyn, although they occasionally go on the road. Lately they've been posting old matches on their YouTube channel. They also have a JRPG inspired video game that's pretty fun.
I don't think I've ever hit a subscribe button so fast in my life...
Somebody go find Tellum, Lemmy and Kbin are federating fairly quickly in SquaredCircle for the past few days. Maybe they'll come post again. We didn't get a meme monday. :(
If Tellum doesn't come back by Monday, I'll have one up, promise.
Help us GeekFTW, you're our only hope... for posting meme Mondays...
I praised Kbin and now it's a dick again... 3 days of instant federation... now it's been 24 hours and comments still aren't here... they just can't seem to help themselves.
Yeah I noticed that earlier when I took a glance. Fucking hell lol