Google says "Dreams can last from a few seconds to 45 minutes to 2 hours. The majority of dreams last between 10-20 minutes."
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- ex. How do I change oil
- ex. How to tie shoes
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Thanks for reading all of this, even if you didn't read all of this, and your eye started somewhere else, have a watermelon slice ๐.
What's wild about those dreams that last a few seconds is that they make you feel while you are in them like you have memories from the dreamworld since before the dream started, thus making them feel like they were much longer
Something, something, time dilation
I had a set of nightmares last night thematically related. I woke up six times inside of 3 hours and each one of the dreams felt like it was an hour easy. It was a very very long night.
Inception is the scientific documentary you're looking for.