Introducing LemmyApps.com - Easily discover Lemmy apps that best suit your needs
A home for discussion of Lemmy apps and tools for all platforms.
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Lemmy Plugins and Userscripts is a great place to enhance the Lemmy browsing experience. [email protected]
Lemmy Integrations is a community about all integrations with the lemmy API. Bots, Scripts, New Apps, etc. [email protected]
Lemmy Bots and Tools is a place to discuss and show off bots, tools, front ends, etc. you’re making that relate to lemmy. [email protected]
Lemmy App Development is a place for Lemmy builders to chat about building apps, clients, tools and bots for the Lemmy platform. [email protected]
Love the idea!
It'd be cool if there was a way to compare features, too. Otherwise all this is really going to do is direct people to the one with the most stars. Screenshots of the UI would be cool too.
Excellent point! I had similar thoughts, and have been pondering how to better represent smaller apps. My hope is for all apps to have equal footing with one another, regardless of community size.
What are your thoughts on a quiz/survey page to find an app? Perhaps we can have a section at the top of the page with a button that says "Take the App Quiz". It would be a couple of sections with big buttons that help narrow down what you are most interested in when using an app.
Sample features could be: accessibility, mod log, sync, multiple-account manager, localization etc.