Islamic Leftism
Welcome to Islamic Leftism, a space for muslims leftists.
Lemmygrad rules apply:
- No capitalist apologia / anti-communism.
- No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia.
- Be respectful. This is a safe space where all comrades should feel welcome, this includes a warning against uncritical sectarianism.
- No porn or sexually explicit content (even if marked NSFW).
- No right-deviationists (patsocs, nazbols, strasserists, duginists, etc).
- No class reductionism
Rules for Islamic leftism:
No discrimination against other faiths or to those who lack it
No uncritical judging, always look for the cause of things before doing judgement
No compulsion in acceptance of the religion, if someone decides to leave or enter Islam let them for Allah is all-Knowing all-Wise and all-Forgiving
No takfir ( excommunication ) against the innocent believers or other persons who don't share the same beliefs or ideas
No treachery, show kindness to others even if they are mean to you
Be always open to different jurisprudence or schools in Islam
No discrimination against different schools or sects in the religion and outside of it. Is better to be united and in harmony
Be respectful to eachother be it religious or non-religious, believer or non-believer
All of you are welcomed to join
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Hmm I'm not sure you're picking up what I'm putting down. I'm saying that "homosexuality" is a relatively new concept (so is "heterosexuality" btw). It's a word that people of the distant past definitely did not use and definitely did not identify with. It's a word that many people of the present don't identify with either, even if you can make the argument that they fit the criteria. But really, what does it matter? The goal of queer liberation should be to free people from discrimination, not to force all cultures to subscribe to the same notion of gender and sexuality.
I don't know why you think the author is making excuses for homophobia. And I don't think they meant to imply that straight and gay are the only sexual orientations (they say LGBT a lot and bisexual is right there in the acronym). I'm not trying to play defense for this person, I don't know who they even are, but it feels like we've read completely different articles ngl :s
Anyway, I interpreted the author as saying that white people need to meet indigenous people where they're at & allow their communities to deal with their social issues in their own way, at their own pace. And that it's unacceptable for white people to demand them to change according to white standards. Especially when those same white people are apathetic to all their other economic and political concerns.
Like, if you've had to live with police brutality, unemployment, and homelessness all your life, would you believe that an outside movement to protect the gay rights of your community is sincere? When that movement is led by the very same people who subjugate you in the first place?