Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
Rule 0: Be civil
Rule #1: No spam, porn, or facilitating piracy
Rule #2: No advertisements
Rule #3: No memes, PCMR language, or low-effort posts/comments
Rule #4: No tech support or game help questions
Rule #5: No questions about building/buying computers, hardware, peripherals, furniture, etc.
Rule #6: No game suggestions, friend requests, surveys, or begging.
Rule #7: No Let's Plays, streams, highlight reels/montages, random videos or shorts
Rule #8: No off-topic posts/comments
Rule #9: Use the original source, no editorialized titles, no duplicates
I can't figure out how to stop EGS from pushing notifications that don't go away without clicking on them in Windows.
And occasionally it will just push a quasi-notification through just the app to make it start flashing on the taskbar and forcing itself over other open apps. Nothing even is happening it just desperately wants to be on top.
An absolute garbage fire of a game launcher, barely worth the free games it gives. (and seeing as I don't play them I guess fully not worth)