Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
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Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think Valve went out of their way to bribe 2k into signing a contract to prevent them from releasing on other platforms. Like Xbox did with Tomb Raider preventing launch release on Sony.
Or do you not understand the distinction? At least play the "well it's PC so what is the big deal over downloading another launcher" card if you are going to try and argue the exclusive angle.
Difference between knowing a game isn't being prevented from coming to the PC like Yakuza and Persona 5 before they got PC ports versus knowing it will never happen, so not even entertaining the possibility like Zelda. Even with Epic exclusives its the difference between knowing that eventually the game will be available outside Epic versus being locked there forever. And it's why I've decided to wait patiently for a Ghost of Tsushima release on the PC versus getting a PS5 or getting it for my PS4. Maybe you are a day 1 purchaser, but I am willing to wait if there is a chance of a game being released on my preferred platform. So its pretty important. Otherwise, I'd get a PS5 if I knew that no amount of waiting would result in PC ports.
Like I said before. You are so much better off saying you don't care about exclusives if you are going to be an Epic apologist.
You just seem to be falling back to hypotheticals to try to downplay third party exclusives. You say exclusives suck but then don't bother putting in half the effort of actually calling out a verifiable recent actions of paying to remove the game from other platforms. Like the most infamous example being Metro Exodus that was set to release on Steam getting paid to pull it by Epic, and being the most lasting impression Epic left on consumers. It's instead hypothetical 2k exclusives that bother you more than actual concrete current events.
The leaps in logic you take to try and downplay paid third party exclusives as being as egregious as a dev or publisher not bothering to release on multiple platforms is an interesting one... But, I guess you have to do that if you are both claiming you hate exclusives, but then also trying to defend Epic and having to resort to hypotheticals.
Honestly, if you want to downplay criticisms towards Epic you are much better off saying you aren't bothered by exclusives. I'm not sure why you are going through such a round about approach when you end up coming off as a fanboy with the leaps in logic and reliance on constant hypotheticals while downplaying or ignoring actual events that could hurt Epic.
Trust me. It's way better to just say I like the Epic launcher being bare bones and I don't care about exclusives. It's just a launcher. This is by far the worst attempt to defend Epic I've seen. Bravo.