Nudists in Spain are campaigning against an influx of clothed tourists on their beaches
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Should that also apply to all the public spaces where clothing is mandatory right now?
Yes! Let's establish a World Nudist Day!
That'd probably cause wars though.
Nudists vs clothed people?
I'm sure everyone can take their clothes off. This is in no way discriminatory. Also, the majority of "natural highlights" is meant for clothed people to enjoy, I'm sure we can concede a few places to the nudists (who are very welcoming to all people, provided they're able to take their clothes off in the dedicated nude places).
And if you can't take your clothes off, your troubles are elsewhere and you should work on them before you take away the nudists' beaches. I believe the prudes and scared-of-nakedness evangelicals have a whole country they took away from indigenous people to sunbathe fully clothed in.
You don't need to be a nudist, just gotta be naked.
There is no lack of beaches in Spain.
Considering there's literally hundreds of kilometers of regular beaches equally beautiful in the region, seeing the small and usually remote nudist locals being invaded and hearing how "they keeping these places is a difficult notion" feels just petty
At least here there are dedicated nude beaches at the sea, rivers and many lakes.
It's really no harder than to make tourists respect the culture and traditions of the places they are visiting.
...so yeah, fucking impossible, probably.
There are many more "natural highlights" only for clothes animals. It's not that difficult to find them.