Church transforms vacant land into massive urban garden, donates 65K pounds of food to people in need
A place to post good news and prevent doom scrolling!
Rules for now:
Maybe start paying taxes, on that and all other land they've confiscated.
Churches aren't tax free because they are churches, they are tax free bc they are charities, just like every other charity out there
Frustrating af that hardly any of you understand this.
You're the one who's wrong here. All other 501c3 nonprofits have to show their books and prove it. Churches get a rubber stamp.
Stop spreading this lie of yours
Lol. I'm so scared, Internet tough guy.
Direct from the IRS website:
Sounds like a rubber stamp to me. They are automatically assumed to be in compliance, and don't have to ever prove it.
So, stop lying.
That’s just wrong. Churches are tax free because they are churches.
Don’t believe me? Go look up a church’s 990… oh, wait… you can’t. Because they don’t have to file them because they are “special” in the eyes of the law. Not just a run of the mill charity.
And yet many churches do choose to file their financial disclosure forms, for transparency sake
And I fully support removing that exemption, I don't want to protect corrupt churches like you assume I do
Which disproves your original claim of “churches aren’t tax free because they are churches”
It doesn't though. They still have to provide charitable services. You are being deliberately dense and obstinate and life is too short to waste on people like you
The IRS directly contradicts what you're saying. You can stop pretending you know what you're talking about now.
So, there isn’t one set of rules for charities and another for Churches? Really?
And how do we know they are providing charitable services, if there’s no way to verify it in their financial statements?
Frustrating you don't understand how churches work and the "charity" they do is self-serving.
Oh son, you really have no clue who you are talking to.
Was an atheist and eventually an anti-theist for a decade and a half. Sam Harris was my favorite 'horseman'. The moment I got out from under my conservative catholic family's thumb
Realized I was an idiot and atheism is untenable, gave my heart to Christ and volunteered for more than a decade at a free drug rehab mission helping men recover from addiction and get back on their feet
So basically, there is no atheism argument you can bring that I haven't already worn to death (but please feel free to try, I am quite eager on this point and have boundless energy to reply), and I have direct hands-on experience with how effective church charity can be when handled ethically
Sure I agree there are tons of churches that are rotten to the core, and I have no issue with any of them losing their tax exempt status at all. In fact, I kind of am even more angry at duplicitous false Christians than I am about you heathens and YES I make it a point to call them out even more often than I do your ilk. Yes I said 'ilk', deal with it.
I have seen brilliant and kind people dedicate their lives to a much humbler life of service than they could have taken in the private sector because they burned with the desire to help their fellow man, and I WILL NOT stand silent while people like you smear their good deeds with your implications that all church charity is self-serving
But you will do it without threatening language. Think it over and come back in a day if you'd like.
What an impressive big boy resume for an insulting baby-man.
Churches suck; they manipulate, drain, and abuse their communities then claim to be better than everyone and get away with it because enablers like you.
Eat a whole bag of dicks you pompous asshole.
Why? I mean, they are literally providing free food.
One is doing it.
The whole religion should be required to pay taxes on the money they profit off of their members.
Maybe if these religious outfits all did this stuff, the stuff they preach, maybe they'd have an argument against paying taxes, but they don't, so they should be required to give back by taxes, but we all know that will never happen, big scary man in the sky doesn't like it.