Finally bought a Blu-Ray player today.
Why? Because my old DVD player finally kicked the bucket. It no longer reads discs.
Meanwhile, just saw a Sony Blu-Ray player at Value Village selling for $15. And it plays SACDs, which is pretty important to me since I own several of them.
Now you might be wondering, “Why are you bothering with physical discs when we live in the age of streaming?”
First of all, I own several DVDs—many which aren’t available on any streaming platform. And I still want to watch them.
But the other, most important reason has nothing to do with video but, rather, audio: Netflix sucks for audio mixing. Dialogue is always muffled. So I end up turning the video up only to be blasted when something big like an explosion happens.
You know what? That’s never been a problem with physical discs. I can actually hear people when they talk.
And despite the fact that Blu-Ray is 19-years-old, it still has a better bitrate than Netflix. Further, it requires no Internet to function—which means nothing will be interrupted if my router or ISP suddenly stop working.
It’s a good time to invest in Blu-Ray.
It's always a good time to invest in physical media!