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OpenChristian is inclusive, open and welcoming of all. We are LGBTQ+ affirming, but we welcome any who have chosen celibacy, as long as you respect Rule 1.
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Please note that as a progressive Christian sub, we are explicitly followers of Christ, as well as LGBTQ+ affirming and egalitarian.
Friends are very welcome to participate, no matter what you believe.
But this is not the place for questioning or debating these positions.
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The nature of God does not change. But doctrines of God have changed constantly throughout history. We can see them change in scripture itself—from bodied to disembodied; from visible to invisible; from poly- and henotheistic to monotheistic; from geographically local to cosmically universal, and so on. They may do that because they are only doctrines, which are linguistically and culturally rooted. This is how our Jewish friends and our Muslim friends can understand God differently, even though God is, in Godself, only ever God.
And another problem with purporting to limit oneself to just the teachings of Jesus is that we have nothing Jesus wrote (if he wrote anything, and he probably did not), and Jesus did not have anything of our New Testament, all of which was written in a series of decades long after his time in Judea. That means Jesus cannot possibly have had the same doctrine of scripture that we might have (for example, he could not have affirmed the canon of the New Testament), and so saying that we should be limited to the words of Jesus in our scripture is really no different than affirming the Christian, trinitarian doctrine of God—both of those things post-date Jesus.
And doctrines are not just people getting together and voting. They are imagined, and argued, and circulated, and engaged, and argued some more, all out in the wilds of the church universal, until gradually they become part of the substance of the conversation comprising the tradition. That some of those processes of conversation and argumentation might be ecumenical councils is only a small fraction of the life of doctrine.