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LOL, I'm not Ukraine's friend. Why would I be? I see no reason to care much about this war other than having the opinion that Russia shouldn't have attacked them.
You're in the minority. Even if you don't support Ukraine, they are resisting Russia, our literal enemy. Putin and his administration interferes in elections around the world and is hostile to democracies.
On this teeny tiny corner of the internet, sure. I don't care.
IDK, my principle on war is that it is bad and should be mostly avoided. Wars that could be ended more quickly should not be continuously funded, and wars should conclude as quickly as possible, even if that means there will be greater short-term casualties. Over the long term, I think more people die when wars drag on in a trickle of death, and it prevents the inevitable losers from rebuilding as quickly as they should and their citizens deserve.
If you say that because Russia is bad we should go to war with them directly and destroy them, I'm not a fan, but I think it'd be better than stretching out this war for all of eternity. In general though, I think just letting Ukraine lose is the best option, since it likely leads to the least amount of casualties, and doesn't give Russia a particularly greater strategic advantage over us.
Go tell the grieving relatives of killed Ukraine soldiers that you wanted them to die because you're their friend.
What a weird thing to say
What can I say, it's a weird position to have. "I care about your people so much I want them to die in war", what kind of logic is that?
Again absolutely stupid position to think.
You're just dumb bro nobody thinks like this lmfao. Literally stupidest thing I've ever heard someone say