this post was submitted on 19 Feb 2025
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[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

There is no biological foundation to the concept of race. Race is culturally constructed. Saying otherwise is a conflation and misunderstanding the science. Talk to any modern biologist, anthropologist, behavioral scientist, or psychiatrist and they will tell you that peoples' skin color has absolutely no link to their behavior. A combination of peoples' lived experiences and upbringing, as well as a complex variety of sociocultural influences have an impact on their behavior, but skin color doesn't come into it at all.

Here's some suggested reading:

Misunderstanding of race as biology has deep negative biological and social consequences

A Qualitative Analysis of How Anthropologists Interpret the Race Construct

Racial Biology and Medical Misconceptions

Myth of race still embedded in scientific research, scholar says.