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And no consistency means a unreliable workforce.
My company struggles with hiring people because the employment pool in the southern states can't do math. Like no joking they had to local training on fractions so they can do their jobs. That's embarrassing as a country.
I honestly really doubt that. Yeah, there's dumb ssses, sure, there's people who don't understand fractions, absolutely, stupid people exist, but to the extent that you have a hard time finding someone who can? No, I don't believe you.
That's the pool in the area, its that bad. They didn't bring in that many people from the old factory and hired local. Plus the location has such poor education that no one with kids wants to move in even though the housing is dirt cheap comparably. In fact people have been transferring out when their kids are old enough which is leading to management staffing issues. Pretty unexpected turn of events.
You're literally arguing that making those people who don't understand those things more common won't be bad because you can still find some who aren't morons. As if failing to educate more people won't be a bad thing in and out itself.
More incompetent people means less competent ones. More incompetent people means more stress on welfare programs, lower average wages (which puts stress on the stability of your social security).
At least try to think one or two steps through the consequences of your own stances...
They're already gutting those.
Yes, Republicans have been attacking education for decades. They're creating a class system, and you're not in the good one.
This isn't the time for that. It's time to coalesce.
You're right, it's not the time for gutting public education