this post was submitted on 29 Jan 2025
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Ohh duolingo... Noooo
imo duolingo isnt really the best for learning languages anyway. You should check out anki
Just let me enjoy this little bird mannnnn
im sorry 🥺
I'm interested, but also confused. They're flash cards, and I guess other users have made sets of cards already so I don't have to make my own. Is it just word=word translation, or do people use pictures and sound? How does it teach things like grammar, etymology, and mnemonic tips? Can I write on it? Can it listen to my pronunciation?
You're right, they're just flash cards. This helps a huge amount in it being flexible in general, and yes; they can put images to help :)
You're supposed to create your own decks, but i usually just use shared decks from other users.
In a [good] card-deck, it probably has an explanation before you start, but many of them are vocabulary based.
Overall its stellar for vocabulary but so-so in grammar. For the latter i don't really recommend apps, i've had a better experience reading about them and using the vocabulary i learned as practice. I used to use a hebrew deck but i'd only learn words, conjugation i'd use Wiktionary or articles about hebrew conjugation. So i'd understand "Yalad" means boy, then i'd add "-im" so i could understand Yaladim means "boys" without using an app to learn it.
Overall it's personal taste and may not fit you. But it's the best free app for many languages, but there are apps exclusive to 1 only that are probably better.
You can still Duolingo and dodge (most of) the bullshit.
Use GrapheneOS.
Install Duolingo from the Aurora store, no Google account attached.
Sandbox the app and set its permissions to disallow location, disallow pulling contacts etc.
Make your Duolingo acct with a fake name and burner email (sucks for you if you already made one with your primary email and real info).
Manually add "friends" via their Duolingo usernames.
Note that, like Facebook, your contact info could be getting shared by other users who have your real info listed in their contacts. Not much you can do about that. (In fact, you could use none of the apps on this list but your contact info is probably still getting leaked by your normie friends and acquaintances.)