this post was submitted on 08 Dec 2024
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"The plan put into effect by the US imperialism and the reactionary forces in the region about 15 years ago in order for the disintegration of Syria has succeeded as of yesterday. The jihadist forces mobilised by the USA, Israel, Britain and the AKP government overthrew the Syrian government in a short period of one week.

Peace and stability will not come to Syria as they claim. On the contrary, in Syria, where massacres, occupations, looting and plundering, endless conflicts have been taking place for years, the era of barbarism will be opened as the last remaining point that restrained all these, even if only a little, has been eliminated.

The winner of this picture is Israel for the time being. It has been proved once again that the Israeli issue is not a matter of religion. Jihadist groups and Israel have seized Syria by working in great harmony. The AKP government is the element that ensures this harmony.

Israel’s victory is the victory of US imperialism.

All the ‘winners’ in Syria today are allies of the US and Israel. Maybe there will be bloody clashes between the ‘winners’, maybe the ‘harmony’ witnessed in the field for a week will be established by the US.

However, US ‘peace’ is always bloody, always prone to new conflicts. Peace, stability and tranquility in Syria can only be established when imperialism and the jihadists are defeated.

A resistance against imperialism and Zionism will certainly emerge in Syria. That this resistance acts without relying on other international powers, with a revolutionary perspective, defending secularism and being unifying, depends to some extent on the developments in Turkey.

In Syria, Israel and the USA have won a temporary victory using the jihadists.

Israel, the USA and jihadism must be defeated in Turkey.

We appeal to all our citizens. This is not a game. If we care about our country and our future, we need to talk about how to stand up and get rid of this barbarism and do the necessary. What is happening in Syria is proof of what sectarianism, religionism, nationalism and relying on foreign powers can lead to.

Turkey must change if it is to continue to exist. There can be no unity in a country where exploitation, inequality and injustice are rife.

After the developments in Syria, it is essential to restrain the excitement of the Neo-Ottomanist circles who dream of ‘expansion’. This Neo-Ottomanist approach not only means attempting to cover up exploitation, inequality and injustice with conquestism, but also leads to the enactment of a plan that will lead to the disintegration of Turkey.

Our country and our citizens are facing a great test. Either we will defeat the exploitative, religious, Americanist mentality that has brought our country to the brink of the cliff, or we will tumble into that cliff.

We trust ourselves, our people and humanity.

The pleasure of the Israelis will be incomplete."

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[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

I had to translate this. Resurrect Vlad!