this post was submitted on 03 Oct 2024
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FICO Scores In the US (
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The image is from a Washington Post article which took the data from an interesting research paper titled Who Pays For Your Rewards? Redistribution in the Credit Card Market.

The research paper is a good read. (A free PDF of the whole paper is available at the link.) It examines how the use of rewards credit cards results in a massive wealth transfer from low-credit-score customers to high-credit-score customers:

We estimate an aggregate annual redistribution of $15 billion from less to more educated, poorer to richer, and high to low minority areas, widening existing disparities.

The Washington Post article attempts to frame the clear north-south split as a result of healthcare issues in the south. That explanation seems too narrow to me. This map looks too similar to maps of poverty and education, and we know health correlates strongly with both of those issues.

Edit to fix a sentence fragment. Sorry; it was late and I was tired.

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[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Reasonably prosperous and not a lot of minorities?