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Official Lemmy.world server available!
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Minecraft Version: 1.20.x
Address: minecraft.lemmy.world
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Related communities:
PC Gaming: [email protected]
Games: [email protected]
PC Handhelds: [email protected]
Minecraft modding: [email protected]
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Don't endermen also stop moving when you look at them? They only atop though, if you have your crosshairs pointed directly at them. It would be interesting to see if this is the same or if it can be any part of your FOV. In that case my use of Quake Pro will come in extra handy.
Nah endermen don't stop when you look at them. They are neutral until you put your crosshair on them, then they just aggro and chase you to hit you while also teleporting around.
Looking at them again doesn't stop them.
I swear I've stopped an aggroed Enderman before by putting my cross hair on him. He was twitching in place with his jaw open making noises and didn't teleport away.
I think that only happens for a bit when you first look a them, then aggro non-stop.
Might have been a mod ?
I aggroed it and then it started chasing me. I moved my mouse over it, and it stopped in its tracks, which surprised me because I forgot they had this mechanic. No mods, it's a vanilla server.