this post was submitted on 03 Sep 2024
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Not surprising in the least as a lot of people figured she'd be on her way out the door once D'Amore was canned (they are engaged for those not in the know). Expectations are that she ends up in Maple Leaf Pro but I could see her doing the indie rounds easily as well.

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[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Oh, I don't watch WWE in general, or TNA. But I still know who Moose is, and Joe Hendry, and Jordanne Grace.

This disqualifies your opinion of "I've never heard of this person, so they don't matter."

The top people in a promotion tend to make waves, and headlines. And then there's people who just sit on a roster, appear regularly, play their part, and nobody talks about them.

If you're not watching in the first place, why do you feel the need to express an opinion? The "big names" don't just instantly burst into household name status, everyone starts as bottom of the barrel fodder. Even the people who found fame outside wrestling, still had to build themselves up in some way. The stars don't align for everyone to become recognized outside of their weekly audience, and you don't need to shit on them for it.

But more importantly this:

The top people in a promotion tend to make waves, and headlines.

The people in question are literally making headlines, and you're still playing the "who?" card.

With NHL it's even worse, because you have Wayne Gretzgy, and then a WHOLE LOTTA "who?" since the league founded over 100 years ago. But their problem is that NHL fans don't really talk about NHL to anyone. So non-fans never hear the names, or know who's a good player. Same problem with the MLB.

And if this were an NHL forum, and you were acting like anyone who isn't the The Great One is irrelevant, even though you don't watch the NHL, we'd be having this same conversation.

My dad HATES wrestling. Like he actively detests it. He still knows Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Steve Austin, The Undertaker, and The Rock. I'm unclear if he knows John Cena or Ric Flair, but he's demonstrated proof that he knows the others I mentioned by name. Because society talks about those guys. Or at least they did when they wrestled. But I could fully understand why he wouldn't know who Shelton Benjamin is.

Your father's opinion on wrestling and knowledge of certain wrestling personalities is completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.