Hello, I wanted to share a small keymap I made.
It lets you inspect unsaved changes in the current file. It uses diff mode, in a vertical split.
To close the diff mode, just press q in the scratch buffer.
local tmpft = vim.bo.filetype
vim.bo.filetype = tmpft
vim.bo.buftype = 'nofile'
{ noremap = true, silent = true, buffer = true }
vim.cmd('silent r#|0d_')
vim.bo.modifiable = false
vim.cmd('diffthis|wincmd p|diffthis')
{ noremap = true }
edit: I discovered that this functionality is actually documented in the help pages (:h :DiffOrig). It’s basically the same action but bound to a command
This is really nice
But I have a habit to :w every 5 seconds, so I can't really use it