We use Google Docs in my company for all of our documentation, notes, etc. I don't hate it. It's come a long way.
Personally, I've jumped around way too many note taking apps and I'm currently using Notion (until Anytype gets a little more mature).
Half the time, I start a note in my personal tool and then copy and paste it into a Google Doc so I can share and collaborate. I'm not going to get the entire organization to move over to whatever tool I want.
My biggest problem with Google Docs is that it's organized into directories with the rest of GDrive. I really want to be able to organize it like notebooks in most note taking app. Where I can have a hierarchy and relationships. Notes on a project might be in a directory with 25 other files and I don't want to see all of that. I spend a lot of time hunting for the note I need in the hundreds of Google Drive folders.
I messed around with Rainbdrop.io which is a bookmark manager and gets me close to what I want but it's pretty slow. Anyone have any novel ways to organize Google Docs?
That is very cool. The only problem is you have to open in a new window to edit. Will be very useful for creating a company knowledge base though!