'Ultra-cheap energy for every household': could a different kind of tariff change everything?
A place to post links and discussions around the UK's energy production, National Grid, energy consumption, and green energy news.
See https://grid.iamkate.com/ for the UK's current energy production and sources.
Created 23/07/23
That's a pretty sensible idea. Whilst reading the article I thought, "why the fuck don't we do this already?".
There's a fair challenge about half way through where it says that poor (and large) families that rip through the free / cheap block due to their size will end up paying higher rates. Conversely a single mid twenties social media influencer higher earner could end up paying nothing - not the trade off we want 😉.
However those are smaller implementation details that need not completely squash this idea. I'd definitely like to see this spoken about more by the government.