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Veteran lemmygradians will remember the anti-psychiatry story arc of our website
Its a worthy topic to bring up again, there are obviously people that took it too far and into the realm of ideology but I felt like a lot of people were also too dismissive.
It is. I just brought that up for amusement.
Oh totally, it was pretty entertaining
"oh boy, amicese 2!"
I still don't think Amicese was that far offbase; just VERY prone-to-hostility-- which I'd be a hypocrite to condemn them for given I'm in a place where all my prior traumas have very much been materially-sourced, so I empathized hard as a motherfucker with some of the stuff they said.
True, but they were going to a dangerous degree.
No ethical, moral, or good willed person would EVER tell a schizophrenic, bipolar, ADHD, psychotic, or PTSD suffering person to go off of their meds and to avoid psychiatry.
That is a great way to raise the chance of suicide through the roof, or leading the person to ruin their life senselessly.
Amicese said a few decent things and accurately tackled how capitalism permeates medicine. But their advice was downright dangerous and intolerable.
I think it more comes from how a lot of supposed mental disorders, are more of a conflict of that individual and the society they live in. If society was structured in a way for ADHD people to be able to contribute that is structured around how their brain works, there wouldn't be a disability in the first place. Not all, of course, but many. How we shouldn't be positing these people as 'broken' because their brains work slightly different, but because our society isn't structured in a way to allow them to contribute in a way that works best for them.
That was messy, it did open my eyes to how much capitalism permeates our society though.
Wasn't there a reddit community made around that time this happened? I'm probably misinformed though. May you please link me where i may learn about this? Thanks
Not sure about reddit. I was talking about how there used to be an antipsychiatry community on this website. It had to be banned because the creator would post a lot of pseudoscience.
Ohhh ok.