Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union
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This is exactly why I don't think they're coming back just yet. If there's one thing leavers and remainers agreed on it's british exceptionalism. Remainers didn't want to leave because EU in general was beneficial, remainers didn't want to leave because UK had a good thing going in the EU and giving it up was stupid. Remainers want to join only if they get at least some of their special privileges back.
Maybe in another 10 years they'll be more receptive towards joining without special privileges.
I'm ready now. Fuck sterling, fuck the vetos, fuck the opt-outs, etc. Yeah, the special arrangement we had was amazing and put us in a privileged position and we'll be diminished if we rejoin without them, but that's still a far better situation than we find ourselves in now. So yeah, warts and all; I'm in.
We should have gone full metric and adopted the Euro years ago. Then all this bollocks about pints and good old sterling would have been done with.
As usual with UK we do everything half arsed and settle for second best.
Whores don't get second chances... At least they don't get taken back the first wife lol