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It would be better if you shared a pic of that "ugly mess". That said I think that it should be fine (rule-wise) to ask it here.
For now, tips that I can give you:
Ah yeah, thanks a lot! I'll post screenshots when I got time
Posted screenshot, could you take some look id you got time?
It is not so bad that it's an "ugly mess". It's simply cluttered. The shape looks good even if a bit weird, the issue are your choices of blocks, they're clashing with each other, and you're using a lot of different types so it's really hard to combo them.
I'd suggest you to make a creative mode copy of your world and try the following, see if you like the results:
I see, I was trying to be too clever with the build. Let me reduce the number of selections being used in the build.
Sometimes less is more. (And sometimes more is more. It... depends, really.)
I like the shape, though. A lot of people struggle giving their buildings depth, but you did it rather well.