Incremental Games

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A community for lovers of games that feature an incremental mechanism, such as unlocking progressively more powerful upgrades, or discovering new ways to play the game. This genre is growing at a break-neck pace, be part of the revolution!

This community is hosted on Incremental Social, a slice of the fediverse by and for Incremental game enthusiasts. Consider checking it out or joining our matrix space!

Check out popular incremental games at!

Repetitive Strain Injury

Too much clicking can cause injury.

Try an autoclicker and check out this prevention guide

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  1. Follow the Incremental Social rules
  2. Do not post games that use, in any way, real cryptocurrencies, NFTs, or the blockchain.
  3. Don't spam - if you're making something, don't post about it more than once/week

founded 8 months ago

Aside from word of mouth here.

Aware of Reddit's r/incrementalgames,, and whatever database was linked on the Reddit sidebar. I did hear about the 2024 game jam.


This thread is meant for people to share what they've been doing this week. Incremental game recommendations are encouraged, although other topics are welcome as well. Just remember to keep it casual, be helpful, and have fun!


Federation is lagging behind, and I don't want to wait several days for the server to figure out we have a new weekly post, so I'll go ahead and just make it myself!

Let us know what you've been up to this week. Keep it casual, fun, and it's appreciated if you link to any games you mention. Thanks!


I found Our Ascent a few hours back and only stopped playing it recently. It's one of those games where you're under a time limit and you're supposed to accomplish as much as you can, and it relies primarily on RPG mechanics. I like it, although I have some minor nitpicks:

  1. It's a bit difficult to tell when adjacent areas can't be crossed (water-to-land and vice versa). I got used to it though.
  2. Restarting a run takes slightly more time navigating the UI than is comfortable.
  3. The backgrounds in the game are AI-generated. I don't feel too strongly on this one because the dev said they'd replace the art once they got funds to hire artists.
  4. You can play as multiple characters, each with their own campaign that provides global boosts to all characters. But the boosts are so minor that I'm not really motivated to play them.
  5. You need to do some calculations in order to find out the effective power of percentage-based statistics. Maybe this is intentional, I dunno.

Again, these are minor nitpicks. I really really like the game. I'm not sure why I'm posting some of these nitpicks here, the dev hasn't even heard of this place.



The title explains most of what's going on.
Here's some additional relevant info that can also be found in the link:

  • Submissions will be accepted until 2024-07-20 17:00:00 UTC.
  • This jam's theme is "Evasion". What that means is up for interpretation.

If you were planning on submitting an entry, this is a reminder in case you forgot about the jam (although it's a day late). And for the rest of us players, stay tuned for submissions!


What games have been scratching your itch this week? What's been great, what's been ordinary, what's been forgettable?

The bot's having a day off after our elections in the UK (it's always a late night waiting for results to trickle in) but it'll be back after it's had a good rest and a talk with itself about responsibilities.

Links welcome, and hope you had a lovely week :)


This thread is meant for people to share what they've been doing this week. Incremental game recommendations are encouraged, although other topics are welcome as well. Just remember to keep it casual, be helpful, and have fun!


If any lemmings play this game and want to help out in coops, I'll be creating them throughout the day today as public coops, and probably as they come out later on as private ones if enough people join.


A strange downloadable short game I found on whose first part is an incremental.

It's simple mechanically, but it is in 3D and has sounds which makes it stand out. They really contribute to the experience, and the nearly numberless way of conveying information is really charming.

I have no idea if there's anything after the incremental though besides that part where cubes fall for eternity. It's a strange game, as I said earlier.


Unlocking better gear/powerups/abilities is the basis of games. Is this supposed to be a generic gaming sub?


This thread is meant for people to share what they've been doing this week. Incremental game recommendations are encouraged, although other topics are welcome as well. Just remember to keep it casual, be helpful, and have fun!


This thread is meant for people to share what they've been doing this week. Incremental game recommendations are encouraged, although other topics are welcome as well. Just remember to keep it casual, be helpful, and have fun!


New release. I have been meaning to play the demo. One of the few astrology-related things that doesn't make me immediately run away. I am a huge fan of the bright saturated colors.


First off, a definition: I define the “abstractness” of an incremental to be based on how much it is removed from other genres. For example, Kittens Game and Clicker Heroes are not abstract – the first is themed around civilization building while the second one takes mechanics from RPGs. Meanwhile, Prestige Tree is a prime example of an abstract incremental game since its themes and mechanics don’t seem to have any clear origin in other genres. Swarm Simulator would still be abstract, although less so since the game has a semi-realistic theme.

So then, the question - Do you have a preference for more abstract incremental games or for incremental games that incorporate more elements from other genres? What aspects about your preference make you prefer them? And how do you think the group you don’t prefer could improve?

Personally, I like the idea of less abstract incremental games since they seem to provide more of a sense of “doing something” (even when I know this isn’t the case). However, I find myself more often than not rejecting most games of that kind since they don't live up to my expectations. The more abstract incrementals are easier to get into and because of that I find myself playing them more frequently.


I'll start, with less of a discovery and more of a full history:

I think I was around 8 years old when I first got into them, so I can't recall for certain, but it had to be a mobile game, because all I had was an iPad at the time. I remember some of my favorites from that time tended to be arbitrary mobile games like PickCrafter, Tap Tap Trillionaire (I/A), and the classic AdVenture Capitalist. It's weird to see some games I used to play so long ago still maintained to this day.

For a fair while I fixated on a game called Cookie Collector 2 (now known as Cookies Inc) (I/A), with occasional brief interest in games made on Scratch. At some point, I learned about Antimatter Dimensions, and I was irreversibly hooked on browser incrementals. I think at the time I even went as far as disowning Cookies Inc, which was a bit extreme, but I was likely 10 or 11--I guess I wasn't able to comprehend the concept of playing multiple games at the same time. :P

I stuck close to Antimatter Dimensions for a long time, and played most of the mods that had been created, but I can only recall getting deep into the community of Dilmod (potentially broken now?). I don't think Dilmod itself served as inspiration for it, but while I was active in the community I created the first iteration of Tree Game, which was heavily inspired by AD's Time Studies.

After Tree Game, I (most notably) went on to make Tree Game Rewritten, AltTPT (the first mod of The Prestige Tree, before TMT even existed), Tree Game Reloaded, CLEANSED, idle2.html, Pipegame, and most recently, It seems like a lot when laid out like this, but the games tend to be very short, and I've only published roughly 8 spread out over 4 years. It's okay to not be a constant idea machine, or a master of productivity. It's still possible to make some pretty neat stuff even if you don't have a lot of time or energy.