Itβs a food, it satiates hunger.
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Don't be embarrassed of your curiosity; everyone has questions that they may feel uncomfortable asking certain people, so this place gives you a nice area not to be judged about asking it. Everyone here is willing to help.
- ex. How do I change oil
- ex. How to tie shoes
- ex. Can you cry underwater?
Reminder that the rules for still apply!
Thanks for reading all of this, even if you didn't read all of this, and your eye started somewhere else, have a watermelon slice π.
Surplus of bodily fluids extracted by capital from suffering creatures with cruelty and violence.
Based on this video, it looks like it is a way to turn a certain amount of cheese into a larger quantity of cheaper cheese product.
So the government can hoard it, apparently.
Cheap, mass-produced cheese. That is its purpose. It is considered inferior quality by many countries. I like to take slices and put them on my face. That is another purpose.
Edible plastic.
it's good