I recently completed a visit to an ice lab with the temperature going as low as -88°C and what I assumed to be the staircase to the final floor seemed to be a trap as when I went up to leave the floor, it was into and past a puddle of water. Which I could dive into. I assume this has to do with limitation in the water code. It was a room with another pulped human corpse in a containment room. If I didn't have probability travel I would have been in a pickle and joined the poor sap.
I am not sure if it is a bug, intended or I missed the proper staircase
And while writing this how is there only one corpse in that isolation room and how was it pulped. I can only assume the facility had catastrophic temperature failure as the person was in not in appropriate gear and a little further on has cells with captured experiment victims?
It could all just be coding things that I am being pendantic over. So please take it as me personally trying to figure out a story to a situation
I could provide pictures later, ~~or a save but is an older version of experimental.~~
The save will be a problem as it is too big for me to reasonably upload with my current data limitations ( 606 Mb)
The world name is Corrigan, default world settings
Lab co-ordinates 0'136, 0'20
Mods Load Order:
Dark Days Ahead,
Disable NPC needs, Portal Storms Ignore NPC, No Fungal Growth,
Bionic Professions, Blaze Industries, XEDRA Evolved,
Translate Complex Dialogue, Bombastic Perks,
Game Version: 4f70c47
Updated: Any staircase down to the final level and trying to get up again seems to lead to this quantum tunnel trap.