Actually just fully fucked.
A collection of some classic Lemmy memes for your enjoyment
Actually just fully fucked.
Shrek fans transforming into (fireproof?) asses ...
Berserk 💀
So either I die rather quickly or live in a world of lasting sorrow and decay with short bursts of beauty doomed to fail. But at least I can be philosophical about it, right?
I'll just pick a light-hearted high fantasy setting with casual reality warping...
Gotta be one of those
Westeros. So pretty screwed unless it's Dorne or maybe Highgarden.
I'll be allright, it is just a small silly ring that I have to throw in a burning mountain. That is surrounded by orcs and other evil beings. While the ring is fighting against me and giving me supernatural powers.
Oh and no pressure, only the whole world will be destroyed and everything I know and love will be gone too.
Yea, Lord of the rings. I'm screwed...
Morrowind for me. If I could get past being killed by stray crabs I think I could settle down pretty well somewhere. As long as I don't get too involved in anything that seems world-endy...
Everyone looks partially cartoony and keep talking about a vault.
And the damn neighbour has some weird mutant dog.
The Pokemon fan is probably thinking about catching Ditto and making it turn into every person they find attractive.
If it's a furry they might go for Vaporeon.
I don't think I have a favorite universe - especially not if I get to live as a regular person. I think I'd pick Elder Scrolls
Well I'm either getting raped by a deathclaw, get to exist in the same universe as Dagoth Ur, or WELCOME TO ESTALIA GENTLEMEN!
I'm fucked regardless so ya might as well send me in with those backed by Faith, Steel, and Gunpowder!
get to exist in the same universe as Dagoth Ur,
MFW Dagoth Ur isn't dead yet
Well, depending on where and when in the story I land in Eorzea, it can be a nice and boring existence, one where I get to see all the famous heroes of the age from all across the realm, or a painfully short one.
Babylon 5 or the Expanse. I suppose it depends on how close I am to a main character...
I'd probably be all right, Tyria looks nice this time of year. At least as long as the Charr play along.
Can I still play OSRS Mobile if I'm stuck in RuneScape? If not, I'm screwed