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Just as an aside, my Caonon EOS R50 seems to have something about WiFi in the setup - will that let me download pictures without the USB-C connection? (ie when I am home?)
I use Shotwell to organize my photos. It can handle creating folders by date automatically, and allows you to rate and tag. It works well for my needs.
I am trying shotwell right now - I would like to get my photos sorted by date captured into another folder. They are kind of random in one folder ("Transfer") and there is an empty folder for something to build a directory structure in: A folder for each year, inside those a folder for each month, inside folders for each day, inside that are pictures. Shotwell seems to have them separated out into "events" but can it copy the existing pictures into the new folder, but sorted?
When it imports photos, it should move them into the dated folders automatically. Check the options to make sure it's all set up the way you prefer.
What is photo sorting? I do not know what Shotwell or DigiKam is.
My workflow (Linux) is I open a file manager on my SD card and let it generate thumbnails. Then I quickly nuke all of the obviously unusable pictures. Then I do another pass where I actually open and look at the images and nuke the ones with flaws I don't want to or can't fix. Then I pull everything remaining into Darktable and play around with the most interesting pictures I took to get them done and finished while I'm motivated and then I'll look at the rest to see if I can make something interesting of them else they get deleted and the cycle begins anew.
Photo Sorting : Having your photos arranged by some criteria, I personally would like them sorted by the date and time they were taken. Ideally, folders for each year, containing folders for each month of that year, month folders have day folders in them, day folders will have media folders (If your media won't hold a full day's worth of shots). My new R50's media hold over 3000 shots so I don't think I will fill it up in one day.
I generally do the same, except I only nuke the ones that were technically bad, many of my pictures are taken from a moving car with little warning so I don't always get my subject anywhere near in frame - those go otherwise I want to really check the rest. They go in a folder that is named by the date the pictures were taken (20250309 for today's) Then if I need to do things I try Gimp first. I just recently got rapid photo down loader too. Can it create/maintain folders for year/mo/day..?
I name and organize my files with rapid photo Downloader then manage them with digikam since I can use my own mariadb and use digikam on multiple computers but it's pretty slow when accessing my photos when not on local network. Then I open the images with darktable from digikam for edits.
I've been going back and forth with maybe using darktable only but digikam has some nice features like renaming everything (I accidentally named my images during reorganizing after lightroom with import date instead of capture date) and they don't seem to interfere with each other.
I use Darktable for developing Raw-files and DigiKam as a file manager. DigiKam is really basic, but Darktable isn't good for sorting. Not tried Shotwell.
I am a Darktable user and really like it. That said, my workflow is:
I've never tried culling with Darktable. Photo mechanic lets you fly through photos using 1-8 to grade photos. At this point my first pass is to find the "this is a decent photo" shots and my second pass is usually just to pare that down. I've given after shoot a go, and while I can see why a pro would use it (volume), I prefer manually culling with the exception of the kids sports scenario I hit on earlier.