Did Mark put her in the program after an accident then regret it or used it himself to forget the pain. I'm so confused and the episode was so interesting for explanation Gemma & Mark's relationship. Ughh, Innie Mark & Helly have been a great relation but woah now how does that even survive after this.
I think there wasn't any accident, and Gemma was abducted by Lumon.
Every new episode this season has made me feel like i've missed all of the others.
This felt like a fever dream and I loved it.
absolutely out of left field and incredible
When Mark finds out about the multiple types of abuse they have been putting Gemma through down there he better go scorched earth. I swear if that doctor raped her like he was implying before the chair came down on him
Fr, I thought I hated Lumon before, but now there's no happy ending other than it all burning down.
Cinematically, this is one of the best episodes, imho.
The scene towards the end where Mark just recoils from the police at his door because he knows what it means and he just can't bring himself to answer is one of the most emotional scenes I've seen. Absolutely heartbreaking.
Severance is some of the best television I've ever had the privilege of seeing, hands down. It's just brilliant.
Seriously, I was expecting "Directed by David Fincher" when that ended, a lot of the shots were similar to Fincher films and very calculated.
Respect to Mark and Gemma for donating blood.
Cinematography and everything was terrific in this episode.
I hope we will get some answers soon.
Did you notice which company's equipment the blood donation was using? 👀
Is it bad that I found it kind of boring? Seems like all the comments I’m seeing is how amazing the episode was.
This episode explained some backstories. Maybe useful for the future, but kind of meh.
I enjoyed the episode and wouldn't describe it as meh, but it did put all the other plot points from the season on hold so I get being lukewarm on it
I thought it was a nice change of pace and a way to learn more about gemma-- the ending interaction between mark's sister and him was #feelsbad whered mark go? TO HIS LOVE 😭
I listened to a podcast talk about the episode, and I think I appreciate it more now. I just didn’t enjoy the relationship parts of the episode I don’t think. And the Gemma parts just seemed to ask more questions when we already have too many unanswered questions.
I will probably like it more when I do a rewatch.
I'm surprised, it felt like they revealed much more than I would have expected to ever get this season, without opening too many new questions. Any in particular?
Everything to do with the testing floor is a question. Who are the people watching the computers? What do the rooms mean? Why do they have the same name as the files? We know Cold Harbor is important, but now it’s a room also, what’s in it? Somebody said the doctor is going to have to let Gemma go, why? And go where?
Also, we know now she’s still alive, but Mark said he saw her dead body. What did he look at?
I feel like there’s more questions, but that’s just off the top of my head.
Who are the people watching the computers?
While we don't know their identities, it clears up who the "twins" were in Woe's Hollow. They seem to be individuals that are deliberately similar to our refiners, basically "shadows".
And this tells us a lot about the severed floor! Now we definitely know that there's more staff on the Lumon back-end, and all their actions are being analyzed.
What do the rooms mean?
The episode implied that the rooms are scenarios that Gemma strongly dislikes, with each room having a separate severed version.
Why do they have the same name as the files?
The implication is that MDR is responsible for something in relation to the room - they probably either "uncover" the scenarios the test person hates, or they prepare/change the innie versions in some ways. I'm thinking it's the earlier since Cold Harbor isn't done yet, and Mark is still working on the file.
We know Cold Harbor is important, but now it’s a room also, what’s in it?
It's going to be a scenario like the other rooms, and the episode foreshadowed that it will involve drowning (or suffocating).
Somebody said the doctor is going to have to let Gemma go, why? And go where?
Presumably this will be the topic of the next few episodes.
Also, we know now she’s still alive, but Mark said he saw her dead body. What did he look at?
Rhegabi explained that Lumon has people at the morgue. They found a corpse that looks similar to Gemma, and burned it (Mark mentioned something about identifying her charred remains).
Still processing this one... there's a lot to unpack. What's up with the different rooms?
Seems like she has a different severed personality for each one. And they all seemed to be either like chores or fears, I wonder if Lumon is planning severance for everyone to allow them to not have to experience fears.
Oh god... what if they are "growing" personalities that can perfectly handle these chores, so they can copy them onto Severance chips? So these versions of Gemma would be waking up in every person that buys one of these chips for convenience.
What if, unknowingly, Mark is condemning all these versions of Gemma to an infinitely copied, never-ending hell?