As much as I dislike Ford, I'm happy to see him doing his job properly for a change.
(Vote Green.)
A place to discuss all the news and events taking place in the province of Ontario, Canada.
As much as I dislike Ford, I'm happy to see him doing his job properly for a change.
(Vote Green.)
This, in no way, makes up for Bill 212. But I'm glad to see that he's at least united with the rest of the country on one goddamn thing.
Alright, next let's do American streaming services.
I only had disney+, prime, and netflix. Last week I was down to netflix. Considering doing that this week as well.
Obligatory shout out.
Pirate it all, it's American content for the most part
Musk files lawsuit in...
I hope he does. We handle lawsuits differently in Canada and he doesn't own our judges or supreme court. I look forward to reading the judges decision lambasting him and his lawyers.
Files a lawsuit based on what? The only thing he could possibly sue for would be if Ontario doesn't pay whatever penalty clauses are in that contract.