plugging random old USB stuff into a computer:
linux: I guess this looks kind of like a webcam. Here you go, /dev/video0
windows: nooo! what is this?! go search for divers that dont register a hit on virustotal! see you in an hour.
plugging random old USB stuff into a computer:
linux: I guess this looks kind of like a webcam. Here you go, /dev/video0
windows: nooo! what is this?! go search for divers that dont register a hit on virustotal! see you in an hour.
Maybe back with XP. Since 7 windows recognized every single peripheral I plugged in and installed a generic driver. I did swap out a couple of those generic drivers for the specific device on my tablet and digital pen, but everything else was fine.
I mean, I still have to make sure my driver's are up to date because Windows doesn't always have the latest version available in WSUS. I honestly would be on Ubuntu right now if I didn't play so many games.
Do people still have driver issues on Linux? What hardware are people using? I've been using Arch literally since it came out. I can't remember the last time I had any concern that the laptop I bought would run Linux, ...actually I do remember, I had a laptop with a modem that didn't work right off the bat (or ever since it was 2008 and never tried to make it work).
Most of the drivers should be in the kernel already unless its gpu stuff but I have to do that by hand on Windows too
I don't remember the last time I needed to look for a driver on Linux
that's a big lol, Ubuntu has given me tons of driver problems, and it's only gotten worse since 2010. there really needs to be an option to download an extra-bloated ISO with every possible WiFi driver included. if the WiFi doesn't work, how the hell am I supposed to download the driver?? (rhetorical question) not to mention, the loss of easily installable VMware Tools included with VMware Player / Workstation / vCenter makes it way harder to configure VMs. that last bit isn't Linux's fault, it's VMware being stupid, but is absolutely a barrier to testing out new distros
I can't get over how thin her molars are.
The only driver I ever needed was the Brother laser printer ones which are well documented. Fedora btw, m'linux.
I have to admit I use mostly Ubuntu and Mint;
the only drivers I had to install (successfully) were ethernet and wifi drivers on laptops. (luckily bluetooth and usb-tethering always works.
The only driver I never managed to install is the fingerprint reader. But who can expect that a Dell Laptop for 5k€ that is sold by dell with a linux-option has linux drivers for all of the hardware...