Also not mine. If you search twice as long as you usually would you will probably find what you are looking for on a privacy friendly website which also has more and better structured information then the (as of now) popular sites. Then you just bookmark that site and if you want to find something in that topic you just click your bookmark and search the site - not having to worry about ads or you data being sold or comapnys making profiles on you. BTW: Don't use google you won't find those sites there.
this post was submitted on 05 Jan 2025
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Far left one has to be
Not mine. Almost 90% is my music or audiobooks. I dont warch a lot of video when not on wifi, and most of that is >!porn!<
When your music and audiobooks inevitably get ads injected due to enshittification (if they actually haven't already), you'll be in the same boat. It is unavoidable.
That's gonna be real hard to happen when i still store my own music and audio books
You're using mobile data for them but have local copies....?
I have back ups is what im saying