Don't forget all the instances where you're legally required to have insurance in order to own or do something, like operate a car on public roads.
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Some places don’t require insurance. Like in Virginia, you can pay the DMV $500 for the “uninsured motorists fee” and legally be able to drive a vehicle without a loan/lien. But yea, for the most part this applies.
Me: Hey insurance, i got a procedure done time to cover my expense
Insurance: absolutely, you just have to pay the deductible (literally more expensive than my procedure)
me: 🤬🤬🤬
Sorry champ. But hey if you have more procedures thi- oh shit years over deductible reset get fuckkkked.
Double indemnity intensifies .
A rare case of the movie being better than the book, although in the book, he's an insurance salesman who hates the industry and its racket so much, that he's willing to commit murder just to get back at the insurance company and take them for a shitload of money.
Somehow that slipped under my radar!
One of my fav movies, it's really good.
thanks for the tip, definitely gonna check it out now
Insurance companies don't make money by paying claims.
That's a very american view on insurance.
Correct is: "I am injured, do I have to pay for my rehabilitation"