What considered NSFW? What not?
Nudity = NSFW? It's not allowed?
So, ani.social don't allow Hentai?
Kinda confuse.
This community is the place to discuss and ask questions about anime, anime news, and related topics.
Currently airing show discussion threads are created by our resident bot, [email protected]. If it doesn't make a thread for an episode that you want to discuss, see the user guide on the wiki for instructions on how to ask rikka to make a thread for you to use.
Check out our wiki to find:
More complete rules on the wiki.
What considered NSFW? What not?
Nudity = NSFW? It's not allowed?
So, ani.social don't allow Hentai?
Kinda confuse.
The rules page linked in the sidebar here is only for the [email protected] community. For rules specifically about NSFW content, here is a direct link to the section where I try to explain the rules.
Short version:
Let me know if you have any questions still!
For ani.social as a whole, the rules are laid out in the Terms of Use and you should ask hitagi about those.
Thanks for clarification.
I will probably leave this pinned for a day or two to help with visibility a bit, but I don't intend to make this a big deal. It is mostly just an expanded version of what was in the sidebar and an effort to get written into text how I was already moderating things.
The image is a dramatic reenactment of how I wrote up the rules.
Also, this is neither here nor there, but I have been trying out piefed lately and it's pretty cool. Thanks to the devs over there, the anime community should be a lot more compatible with piefed going forward thanks to squashing a couple bugs I found from our use cases. Specifically, piefed users should now enjoy:
What makes Piefed different?
As a general user, I like the topic system they have set up over there. It lets you just follow a couple topics and automatically subscribes you to a bunch of relevant communities (curated by the admins) for that topic across the fediverse. It was so much easier than trying to seek out a bunch of communities using some kind of third-party lemmy community search tool (like Lemmy Explorer).
I haven't tried their moderation tools yet (might appoint my piefed account as a mod to see what it's like). But, for just general browsing, I have liked it a lot.