Don't miss the fight over which photo of a bathrobe to use!
A place to share interesting articles from Wikipedia.
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List of fictional ducks
You read that right; edit warring over nonexistent waterfowl. Page protections, admin interventions, accusations of vandalism and sockpuppetry fly like ... well, like things that fly, anyway.
I once fixed a spelling mistake on Wikipedia and it was reversed after only a few minutes for some dumb reason. Never logged in again.
I'm not even going to read this nonsense. I just wanted to say, Benedict Cumberbatch should have played Gary Mitchell. That would have made a fantastic movie.
Unfortunately JJ Abrams seems incapable of interacting with anything except the most surface level and broadly recognizable aspects of fictional universes that he touches.
"The 2016 Christian Science Monitor article "The Source Code of Political Power", by Simon DeDeo of Indiana University, used the debate as one example of how Wikipedia is an evolving system of ideas and found comparison to the Talmud."
Astounding. I, for one, am in favour of Wikipedia as a new religion.