Bustin' makes me feel goood
Housing Bubble 2: Return of the Ugly
A community for discussing and documenting the second great housing bubble.
If I get rich I'm knocking up everyone.
Sooooo, Elon Musk?
The few babies born in this generation will eventually be called “busters” from the “baby bust generation”
Shall I kill myself? I have obviously failed in life, so I'm not sure what to do.
Hey look! They're talking about me!
My recommendation is to pool everyone's money between you, your siblings and your friends who want to live together and buy a house. Do it as a business and live there for a while until you all can afford to buy another and another. You can rent the second, third and such extra ones for a few years. That may help you guys float yourselves up to house affordability. The economy is a stupid game that we all are forced to play. Once you get far ahead, then go after the rich. Fuck them up good 👍. A good simple way to legally fuck up the rich is to become employed by them and simply cause expenses. I'm not saying to go and ruin your career. I'm saying... Hey look here are two items we need, one is 50 bucks more, it's made in the US, buy that one.