Shibata just having a prerecorded soundboard of responses for any conversational topic is something that still pops me.
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I love Stoke.
Julia giving me some Hexadecimal vibes with that promo.
We don't do ratings threads here, and for the most part I appreciate that, I just want to put up last nights ratings for things... I think it's a mixed bag.... 4/10/24 819,000average 0.30demo Segment Viewers 8:00 981,000 8:15 857,000 8:30 880,000 - All In Wembly Video 8:45 822,000 9:00 767,000 9:15 765,000 9:30 759,000 9:45 723,000
People were very interested starting the show on a great number, although other sites call that the Sheldon Cooper quarter because big bang gives a good lead in. But, it's good ratings went up for the Wembly stuff but then fell back to normal. So it was enough to pull in a better-than-normal quarter-hour, but it didn't keep people tuned in. I'd call that mixed bag if not good for them.
I don't think the ratings should mean much to us. WBD is happy with them and cable is a dying medium. AEW audience also skews younger which may not be captured in the Nielsen ratings
Finally managed to watch the entire show.
Is that what people were making such a fuss about? Anyone saying this is like 2000s WCW clearly wasn't watching then. You don't have to like it, but that comparison is wildly overblown.
I get why people don't like meta kayfabe, but this still works within traditional kayfabe. Even if wrestling is real, it's still meant to be done in a match. It makes sense for senior people in a company to be dragged in should a fight occur backstage, and to be distracted from their own match.
The thing I'm actually impressed with is the handshake refusal. If that was a deliberate storyline seed being dropped at the time in response to the fight, that's incredible. If it wasn't and the Bucks were legit pissed, and they've retconned it, that's clever. If it's a coincidence, using it in this way is good writing.
But, this needs to be the last mention of Punk. There is no further benefit which can be gained.
Anyone saying this is like 2000s WCW clearly wasnβt watching then.
The number of times I've said that exact phrase this week is mind boggling. I watched every damn episode of Nitro, Thunder, every PPV, from the moment of the '3rd man' to the night I had to see Shane fucking McMahon on a simulcast.
Anyone who thinks AEW showing the tape is anything close to WCW 2000 must have parents who were fucking siblings, jesus christ.
That video doesn't tell me shit, it's no smoking gun for AEW, IMO, because without audio we don't know what Jungle said.