The fundamental function of our government is to ensure the safety of its citizens – those in the Oval Office and Sacramento are fundamentally failing to uphold that sacred duty.
Conservatives have consistently argued against this. The entire small government movement, with Libertarians at its helm and having taken over the Republican party, ideologically limits the government's coercive power to protection of property rights only, not citizens. The uncritical belief in the right of property and gun ownership necessarily leads to the protection of the citizens, according to conservative ideology, regardless of the real facts.
And it's contradictory to argue the government must ensure the safety of its citizens while supporting gun proliferation and opposing hate speech laws, both for which the Republican party is renowned. Easy access to guns makes people less safe to themselves, as they're more likely to kill themselves than use it otherwise. And not understanding what hate speech is, and thus being inherently willing to oppose it from a position of ignorance, lets hateful speech abound as much as guns. And it's unsurprising when the two mix to catastrophic results.