this post was submitted on 27 Mar 2025
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That miyazaki quote's out of context . It's not referencing genAI , it's used to liken his disabled friend to a cgi monster . Shouldn't have to explain how fucked that is . If you're gonna criticise AI in art , don't spread misinfo
I just watched the video in question, and this is an entirely backwards take. Miyazaki is saying the animation is an insult to the pain of those with disablities like his friend, not disparaging people with disabilities.
It isn't specifically about generative ai, but he is talking about art (animations) made through machine-learning being a cold mimicry of real human efforts. I think the comparison is pretty fair and it applies in both instances.
If you lꝏk at a monster and 1st thing comes to your brain's disabled person , there's some thing wrong with you
Let's not take every thing miyazaki says at face value . Ffs he compared swiping gestures on ipads to masturbation . This tendency he seems to have with every new technology being The Worst Thing Ever , ⦅bogus|overly hyperbolic) comparisons|catastrophising ("end of times" in reference to desire to create genAI art technology⦆ , think the disability comparison definitely qualifies
You're still missing the point Miyazaki is making. His point is that such a crude depiction of an organism with thoughts and feelings is an insult to actual living thinking beings. The animation might not be alive or sentient, but it still represents a life form that is sentient, and creating such animations that depict sentient beings as incapable as the animation might evoke undesirable feelings in somebody watching that animation, even if they know that it is merely a 2D digital animation composed of bits and pixels that does not have any psychological traits.
Miyazaki, says something about how the people making the ai don't have feelings of suffering or whatever. Then after that in the video, he says that humans are losing faith in themselves, that we're heading near the end of times.
I believe that he's saying that anyone making ai, isn't thinking about people affected such as real artists.
While this can be seen as context of the disabled friend he mentioned, he says this right before he mentions humans losing faith in themselves in the video. Now, Idk about some of you, but I feel that everything he said is connected in some way. It isn't going to be laid out in front of you (although in his case it kinda was.)
You got to carefully look at what is stated, the context, and look for connection between the different statements that were said. Oh and look for that one statement that might hold the whole point of the entirety of that is being said. Out of all the statements throughout the video.