Islamic Leftism
Welcome to Islamic Leftism, a space for muslims leftists.
Lemmygrad rules apply:
- No capitalist apologia / anti-communism.
- No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia.
- Be respectful. This is a safe space where all comrades should feel welcome, this includes a warning against uncritical sectarianism.
- No porn or sexually explicit content (even if marked NSFW).
- No right-deviationists (patsocs, nazbols, strasserists, duginists, etc).
- No class reductionism
Rules for Islamic leftism:
No discrimination against other faiths or to those who lack it
No uncritical judging, always look for the cause of things before doing judgement
No compulsion in acceptance of the religion, if someone decides to leave or enter Islam let them for Allah is all-Knowing all-Wise and all-Forgiving
No takfir ( excommunication ) against the innocent believers or other persons who don't share the same beliefs or ideas
No treachery, show kindness to others even if they are mean to you
Be always open to different jurisprudence or schools in Islam
No discrimination against different schools or sects in the religion and outside of it. Is better to be united and in harmony
Be respectful to eachother be it religious or non-religious, believer or non-believer
All of you are welcomed to join
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I agree completely!
What was Mao's famous dictum?
Without consent from the people, it will fall apart.
Non-hetero sexual relations and diverse gender expressions is not contradictory to Islamic society either but I don't see how succumbing to the "LGBTQ+" label will do anything.
To quote the article in the OP:
And I will especially reject any attempt at those that paint a broad brush at my culture and my family for being reactionary, when Colonialism and Imperialism itself was not negated overnight.
I just mean that colonialism and imperialism still exists. It wasn’t abolished overnight after gaining independence, so the basis for the deprivation of a majority of muslims still exists. We can’t even industrialise let alone “progress” (in the least liberal sense of the term).
In other words the contradiction still exists, and can only be negated/resolved by anti-imperialist class struggle.
Only a few countries have achieved complete decolonisation (of both society and economy) and has the “cultural capacity” to get rid of colonial ideas, like the orientalism you mention.