If this is real then holy fuck is he dumb.
The gender is there but I said it so fast you can't tell the difference anyway so let's just call it a short form
Don't forget about demonstrative pronouns such as this, that, these, those, neither, none, such.
My parents still have those chairs
I'd be just fine if countryusic were restricted to international waters
Math is red. Science is blue or green. Depends on the type. Although chem is yellow if there is one. Orange is geography or history.
I'd settle for the astroid belt circumference collider from the second or third book
That's insane. Thanks for the link
How are people dying of air pollution? Like, lung diseases are at an increase?
What does the hospital call it if someone dies of air pollution?
Premill size vs sale size. Something like that. Probably not the correct term.
Similar to how steak is measures in precooked weights.
Did he cry about being forced to do that too?