@Bro666 @[email protected] @[email protected] better means you do not have to click on thousands buttons to make one thing (just try the text tool in inkscape and come back to see me), ui more intuitive, less bugs
joined 2 years ago
@deaf_fish i have never said that ! I totally disagree their abusing methods but it is a different question than claiming does softs listed are as good, bref don't want to troll
@Bro666 @[email protected] @[email protected] the same method used to affirm you can replace Adobe softwares by the listed softs
@[email protected] @[email protected] If only you were right, but be serious the quality of Adobe softwares is 300 % better than any soft you cite.
@Bro666 @[email protected] @[email protected] obviously you like to read what you want to read :)