A quarter million Russians gone and Putin doesn’t even acknowledge mass loss of life. Crazy.
Special celebratory operation
Agree on this. I dropped Spotify after the Rogan fiasco and switched to Apple Music. It’s not as good but I refuse to go back to Spotify. I really hoped that Apple would have a great product but the interface isn’t great and experience has been less than great. Happy to hear they are finally putting some resources into improvements.
Biden has been pretty good and it’s nice to have a normal president but I do look forward to a time in the future that the democrats push a candidate that gets folk excited. I am happy to vote Biden again and will but maybe we can get someone younger after that?
Please don’t let Tucker see this post and get an idea he will call original.
But he doesn’t HAVE TO
I assume many are religious so there is a third type of exposure they have undoubtedly received. Hat trick!
I feel like we need to talk about this more. Their whole model is promoting remote experiences and yet they are also forcing folk back to the office. I can’t think of a reason outside of external pressures that would happen.